Blog Entry 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Non-human animals often perform impressive intellectual feats. Is human intelligence unique? Are there other explanations for complex animal behaviour?

According to Noam Chomsky "When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the 'human essence,' the qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique". The human is the only species that is capable of language in the sense of verbal and signed expression of complex grammar. Although our cognitive ability is more developed than all other animals, it is correct that human intelligence is unique. We humans are the only species that possess the gene that helps with the tongue, lip, and vocal cord movements that enable human speech. With this in mind, that humans are further capable of higher cognitive function involved with language than any other animal, it does not mean that non-human animals are not capable of high cognitive function involved with communication. 

Apes are a prime example of non-human animals that are highly capable of various communication skills. For example a chimpanzee named Washoe was taught sign language based on their natural tendencies for gestured communication. He was able to learn 132 signs in four years and by the time he died she was using 250 signs. Although learning signs to communicate Washoe was unable to follow the rule of syntax which governs the order of words in a sentence in human language. An ape named Kanzi was able to develop the rule of syntax, so what does this mean? This explains how complex animal behaviour is; apes have the ability to communicate through a meaningful sequence of symbols which may seem like they are able to possess language the way that we do. Although syntax is possible they are still incapable of language in the sense of verbal and signed expression of complex grammar as stated above. Through studies of other species abilities, researchers have learned that many diverse species are able to plan, form concepts, count, use tools, or show compassion. Along with exhibiting insight, showing family loyalty, communicating with and caring for one another, and showing cultural patterns throughout generation. There is a great variety of just how complex animal behaviour is, although when it comes into terms of language humans are the only species capable of grammar, speech, and formed expression. 
