Blog Entry 4 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

One person takes a drink and flies into a rage. Another has a drink and mellows out. What qualities of the user rather than the drug might account for this difference?

First off, alcohol is a depressant. Meaning that it reduces neural activity and body functions slow down. When alcohol is consumed in low doses it slows down judgement and inhibitions within the brain's activity. With reduced judgment and inhibition the user may find themselves left with less self-consciousness. The voice in their head that tells them not to do something is almost silenced. The feeling of guilt is reduced as judgement lessens. The thought of consequences has been override by by pure crave and desire. In low doses the user becomes more relaxed physically and mentally, often giving them the drive that they didn't have before to do certain things. When sober, one person in a relationship may see someone attractive and think that to themselves as well but not act upon it. When alcohol is consumed that one person may possibly go up to the so called attractive other and talk to them or even more. With reduced judgement this person isn't thinking of the consequences of their actions. Along with reduced inhibition they are left unaware of their actions or the drive that got them to do such things. 

Furthermore, some people who may be considered extroverts become selfless and open up even more. The social thought of being criticized leaves them thus becoming more outgoing and friendly. Some people who have strong-enclosed personalities may become selfish and gain more confidence.  Suggesting that alcohol does not change or alter your personality but rather enhances the urges or thoughts that are already there. It makes you focus on what arouses you rather than the thought of what might happen if this arousal is encouraged. That is also another reason for enhanced or calmed emotion. Some people may drink to relieve the burdens of reality or so they think. Someone who may be enraged from an unfortunate event will drink in hopes to suppress the feeling of being low or blue. Alcohol will suppress those feelings by making you less self-conscious and unaware of your current situation but along with being less self-conscious it can also lead you to express those enraged emotions maybe through physical or verbal exertion or abuse. 

With that said alcohol does not alter your personality. It relaxes your sense of guilt, consequence, and the gut feeling you may get when you do something wrong. Along with suppressing the thought of peer judgement, embarrassment, and shame. It minimized self-control leading you to do things you probably wouldn't do while sober. These are the reasons why the qualities of the user plays a bigger role than the consumption of alcohol itself. It's almost like that image of a miniature devil version of you and a miniature angel version of you sitting on your shoulders bickering on whether you should do something good or bad. Always clashing opinions but usually following what is morally acceptable. When alcohol is consumed it's safe to say the miniature angel version of you is probably not there or possibly the other way around depending on the qualities and personality of the user.
